Publications (*co-first author)

 Enteric neurons

1.     H Zhang, Y Hasegawa, DR. Leitner, T Zhang, M Suzuki, RP. Jackson, MK. Waldor. Enteric neurons control intestinal plasmacytoid DC function via 5-HT-HTR7 signaling (Under revision in Nature Communications)

2.     H Zhang, DR. Leitner, Y Hasegawa, MK. Waldor. Peripheral serotonergic neurons regulate gut motility and anxiety-like behavior. Curr Biol 34, R133-R134 (2024)


Host-pathogen interactions

3.     M.T. White, H Zhang, U Eckhard, K Hullahalli, S Wu, J Queen, F. X Gomis-Ruth, M. K. Waldor, C. L. Sears. A procarcinogenic bacterial metalloprotease binds claudin-4 to mediate toxicity on colonic epithelial cells (Under revision in Nature)

4.     K Hullahalli, KG. Dailey, Y Hasegawa, M Suzuki, H Zhang, DW. Threadgill, MK. Waldor. Genetic and immune determinants of E. coli liver abscess formation. Proc. NatI. Acad Sci USA 120, e2310053120 (2023)

5.     A Zoued, H Zhang, T Zhang, R Giorgio, CJ Kuehl, B Fakoya, B Sit, MK Waldor. Proteomic analysis of the host-pathogen interface in experimental cholera. Nat Chem biol (2021) 17 (11), 1199-1208.

6.     H Zhang, A Zoued, X Liu, B Sit, MK Waldor. Type I interferon remodels lysosome function and modifies intestinal epithelial defense. Proc. NatI. Acad Sci USA (2020) 117 (47), 29862-29871.

7.     JD D’Gama, Z Ma, H Zhang, X Liu, H Fan, ERA Morris, ND Cohen, CC Bentley, GB Pier, MK Waldor. A conserved streptococcal virulence regulator controls the expression of a distinct class of M-like proteins. mBio (2019) 10 (5), e02500-19.


Integrin & intestinal inflammation, cancer

8.     Y Zhang*, R Xie*, H Zhang*, Y Zheng, C Lin, L Yang, M Huang, M Li, F Song, L Ling, M Yang, Y Liu, Q Wei, J Li, J Chen. Integrin β7 inhibits colorectal cancer pathogenesis via maintaining antitumor immunity. Cancer Immunol Res (2021) 9 (8): 967–980.

9.     H Zhang, Y Zheng, Y Pan, C Lin, S Wang, Z Yan, L Lu, G Ge, J Li, Y Zheng, J Chen. A mutation that blocks integrin α4β7 activation prevents adaptive immune-mediated colitis without increasing susceptibility to innate colitis. BMC Biology (2020) 18 (1), 1-15.

10.   H Liu, X Dai, X Cao, H Yan, X Ji, H Zhang, S Shen, Y Si, H Zhang, J Chen, L Li, JC Zhao, J Yu, X Feng, B Zhao. PRDM 4 mediates YAP‐induced cell invasion by activating leukocyte‐specific integrin β2 expression. EMBO reports (2018) 19 (6), e45180.

11.   Y Zhang, Y Pan, C Lin, Y Zheng, H Sun, H Zhang, J Wang, M Yuan, T Duan, Q Du, J Chen. Bile acids evoke placental inflammation by activating Gpbar1/NF-κB pathway in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. J. Mol. Cell Biol. (2016) 8 (6), 530-541.

12.   H Zhang, L Lu, Y Zheng, M Yuan, J Chen. Regulation of immune cell adhesion and migration by cell microenvironments. Life Science (2016) 28(2):239-247

13.   H Zhang, Y Zheng, Y Pan, C Xie, H Sun, Y Zhang, M Yuan, B Song, J Chen. Regulatory T-cell depletion in the gut caused by integrin β7 deficiency exacerbates DSS colitis by evoking aberrant innate immunity. Mucosal immunology (2016) 9 (2), 391-400.

14.   Q Du, Y Pan, Y Zhang, H Zhang, Y Zheng, L Lu, J Wang, T Duan, J Chen. Placental gene-expression profiles of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy reveal involvement of multiple molecular pathways in blood vessel formation and inflammation. BMC Med. Genet (2014) 7 (1), 1-11.